Sunday, 28 November 2010

Sans elles - pas de concert

Chantal, Christiane, Marie-Ange, Linda & Juliette sharing a joke at Bel Ombre ...

Photo prise par Jerry Layduhur lors du concert en avant-prémiere de Yannick Noah...
Nous y reviendrons.
En attendant, la bonne humeur de nos mamans accompagnatrices, lors de chaque concert est un élément essentiel à la réussite du projet ABAIM.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

A video clip for Alime Teyn

Shooting at Bosquet pond in Beau Bassin.
The clip was released late yesterday at a press presentation at our centre in Beau Bassin.

No delirious scenario, No spectacular sound effects but Natural, Colourful, Lovely pictures and scenery of deep Mauritius. Together with a scenario depicting Christmas eve and the d Day.
With wonderful natural acting from the two youngest members of Group ABAIM - Levy (10) and Megane (9) here posing with co- film directors Denis Essoo, Philippe de Magnée .
Between two shootings, a nice cup of tea at Juliette's house in Cité Barkly.

You may view an exerpt on: You tube - ABAIM : Alime teyn (extrait)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Les dynamiques jeunes d'ABAIM.

Nou bann gran "ti Marmit" ena plizir rol dan lasosyasyon... Depi animater dan proze Saturday Care, an pasan par mizisyin dan Group Abaim ziska Prezidan enn lasosyasyon ki ena 28 an.
Nou salye zot lantouzias e nou tir sapo !

Esthel, prezidan nou lasasyosyon,
Kelly, kordinatris proze Enn Nwel Larkansyel
e Oreli konn pik sega, animatris.

Joey, Gian ek Christopher, perkisionis dan Group ABAIM.

Ketty ek so kops Shirley ousi koregraf e dansez.