Monday, 3 September 2007

Mea Culpa

Wow! Ca fait un siècle depuis qu'on ai rafraîchi le Blog. Mille excuses !
Dear me! Dear visitors,… mea culpa, mea maxima culpa... The other day, I had a phone call querying whether we have stopped our activities... No! Nein! Nehi! It’s just that we have been very busy - between working on the next album…
being honored by visitors like Ah Noo Lam and colleagues directors of the Chinese Cultural Centre, Ravi and Raksha Jetshan from the jewellery design shop Ravi'oR, Clavis junior school PTA and some others I could have forgotten –
between our Saturday parties - pizza or birthday ones' –
between joining les Jeux des Iles @ Tana through our representative Devika - handisport athlete - who came back with a bronze medal - Congrats Devi... ouf
... Stop… Over. (for today)!
Just enjoy the fotos .. until I tell you more later on .